Parent coach

Is there anything more important in your life than your child?


As our children are so important to us, there is no wonder that it hurts when things are not going as well as we wish with them. 

As your parent coach, I can help with challenges such as

  • arguments between you and your child

  • social pressure on how to be a good parent

  • low self-esteem

  • fighting among siblings

  • improve communication and listening between your and your child

  • how to deal with anger

  • having a child who doesn't fit in

  • anxiety about your child's future

How coaching works:

  • Email to make a booking

  • Sessions are 50 minutes online

  • I listen, ask questions and give you feedback to help you find the best way forward in your unique situation

  • In order to make coaching available to people in all economic situations, I offer a choice of different fee levels

  • I work under strict confidentiality 

  • Coaching is perfect for you if you don't want general advice, but need help and support to figure out what works best for you in your life

don't be a perfect parent,

Be the Parent that your child needs

Liv Miyagawa

I grew up in Sweden, lived and studied in various countries, and I now live with my husband and our three daughters in Tokyo, Japan. 


I love to help people to realise something new about themselves and have "aha-moments". In every part of my life I aim to lift people up


I studied at UWC Atlantic in Wales, an international boarding school where students from all over the world gather to learn, play, work for their communities and promote international understanding together. After a gap year (which I partly spent in India working with children in orphanages and schools), I studied psychology at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. Thereafter, I was trained by the International Coach Academy to become a Certified Professional Coach. I am now also a a member of the International Coaching Federation and accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC).


Although I'm a parent coach, I also have many clients without children. Challenges such as career transitions, relationship problems, how to get organised and how to find and prioritise what is most important are common and exciting coaching topics. 


At home, I aim to be a creative and fun mother who leads my trilingual family to a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I also teach English to children and adults in my local community. 


In support of the UWC, young stundets and international peace, I have started a project to coach in exchange for donations to UWC. For more information about this project, please visit Coaching for UWC


child with high self-esteem


The love you give your children forms the basis of the self-esteem that they will later develop within themselves. However, loving your children may not always be enough. You need to be aware of certain parenting techniques that help your children grow up with a healthy self-esteem.


1. Show your children that it is ok to express emotions.

You do this by listening in an accepting manner to your children's emotions (positive and negative) and by dealing with your own emotions in appropriate ways. Don't suppress your emotions, and make also sure that your children do not feel responsible for your negative feelings. If you do not show your children that it is ok to have emotions, they will grow up suppressing their emotions or dealing with them in unhealthy manners. This is obviously not good for their self-esteem. To develop high self-esteem, children need to learn that having negative emotions doesn't make them bad people.


2. Show your children that it is ok to say no.

Saying no is important for respecting yourself, protecting your boundaries and keeping your self-esteem high. People who don't respect themselves agree to do whatever others ask them to do or what they believe that others expect them to do, instead of caring for their own personal needs. To teach your children to say no you need to listen to them when they do say no (although you may still stay firm on making them do what you have asked them to do) and you need to say no in a clear good way yourself. Children learn by imitation. If you are good at saying no, your children will learn to respect themselves in the same way as well.


3. Show your children that it is ok to make mistakes.

All successful people make mistakes. The greater your goal, the more mistakes you will have to make before you finally achieve it. If you make your children afraid of making mistakes by scolding them or getting angry when they spill the milk, drop the plate or put their clothes on backside front, they will never dare to try to learn new things and set big goals for themselves. Set a good example by admitting and learning from your own mistakes.


4. Show your children that it is ok to want more.

To become successful in life you need to know what you want and keep the flame of desire burning until you reach your goals. People with low self-esteem do not dare to want anything because they do not believe that they deserve it. When your children want something, listen to them although you may have to explain to them that they cannot have what they want when they want it. Show your own desires as a good role model of a person with high self-esteem. Santa may only bring one gift, but the wish list can as long as you like. 


5. Trust your children

When you show your children that you believe in their capability to successfully achieve what they are trying to achieve, you make them believe the same thing about themselves. Your trust in them helps them to develop self-confidence (which is an important part of self-esteem).


6. Focus on your children's positive behaviour rather than their negative behaviour.

If you get very upset when your children misbehave they learn that they are not good enough. Low self-esteem will follow. If you instead comment on their good behaviours they will learn that they are good lovable people. They will develop high self-esteem and a desire to become even better.



Liv Miyagawa 

Parent Coach